Shoulder Problems

Shoulder pain and stiffness are common complaints that various conditions can cause. The pain and discomfort often disrupt daily activities and quality of life. The shoulder is a complex joint with a wide range of motion, and its functionality is crucial for many tasks. When the shoulder joint and associated structures experience issues, it can lead to discomfort, limited mobility, and even chronic pain.

To help you understand your shoulder pain and stiffnesses better, there’s a simple explanation of shoulder anatomy and physiology here. I’ve provided links to common should problems and how to manage your shoulder with rehab exercises and taping.

Frozen Shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis, or more commonly, called frozen shoulder. This condition is characterized by a gradual onset of stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint, often worsening over time and severely limiting the range of motion. It can result from injury, surgery, or spontaneously, often in individuals with certain risk factors such as diabetes or thyroid disorders

Rotator Cuff

common source of shoulder pain is problems with the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder. Rotator cuff injuries can occur due to acute trauma, repetitive overhead motions, or age-related wear and tear. These injuries can range from mild strains to complete tears, leading to varying degrees of pain, weakness, and functional impairment.

Rehab and Movement for Shoulders

Addressing shoulder pain and stiffness involves a multifaceted approach. Exercises and gentle movements are typically central to rehabilitation, helping to restore strength, flexibility, and function to the shoulder. A well-structured exercise regime can not only alleviate symptoms but also prevent future injuries by promoting shoulder health and resilience.

Taping for Shoulder Pain & Discomfort

Taping for shoulder problems can be an effective "1st Aide" approach and adjunct to other treatments. Taping techniques like kinesiology taping can support, reduce pain, and enhance proprioceptive feedback to aid healing and function.
I've included some videos of how I tape shoulders for support and pain relief