Acupuncture and Dry Needling

Dry Needling and Acupuncture in Glasgow

Acupuncture and dry needling can be used to treat the whole body. Single use sterile Acupuncture needles are used as part of the dry needling method of treating in trigger point therapy.

Dry Needling is often useful when you feel too tender touch or any exercises or movements make you feel worse. I do understand some people don’t like needles, this is why I always discuss their use to make sure that you are happy to proceed with their use on you.

I’m trained in both western medical acupuncture and dry needling although I tend not to use acupuncture but use the dry needling approach as an adjunct or an extra to more general osteopathic influenced soft tissue treatments

I’m trained in western medical acupuncture with the British Medical Acupuncture society (BMAS) this is the same training the doctors, dentists and physiotherapist or osteopath have and use.